šŸŽµ Fav artists tagĀ šŸŽµ

Aā€™ight so hereā€™s another one (because what even is posting s4 content at this point). I got tagged by @dear-solar to do this one, thank you so much babio! ā™”

Rules: Idk man Iā€™m writing these myself because I didnā€™t see any but I guess post GIFs of your top 10 fav music artists or something lmao. Oh and tag some peeps or something.

Aaaanyway I tag the babs @nooboos, @thesadnesshotline, @purplesimmer455, @dust-bubbles, @sim-bubble, @cubersims,Ā @iffysimmer,Ā  @simserely aaaand @tiptoptab (and honestly anyone else who wants to do it woop woop)! If youā€™ve done it already or donā€™t want to do it (no, sarha, you still have to do it) then no worries! :^DĀ 

Now to some artiststststststs under the cuuuut!


šŸ“ŗ Favorite TV shows tag šŸ“ŗ

I was tagged by @cubersims, thank you so much bab! Sooo I donā€™t really watch a lot of shows either but Iā€™m sure I can think of a few lmao.Ā 

Rules: Post your 5 (or more if you want) favourite TV shows of all time in whatever order you wish to, only in gif format (with or without a title) and tag other people to do the same!

Oh right, I tag @stephanine-sims, @purrsephonesims, @nooboos aaaaandĀ @thesadnesshotline! If anyone else wants to do it then go ahead!Ā ā™”

And now to the TV shows! Keep in mind that I probably havenā€™t fully watched any of these – I usually only casually watch stuff soooo yeah.

šŸŽ¶ Playlist tagĀ šŸŽ¶

Alright so I was tagged by @deadgrsisleĀ (thank yooooou) and I thiiink I found the right rules for this? Either way letā€™s see what Spotify is gonna reveal about me today lmao.Ā 

RULES: Weā€™re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up – then choose 10 people!

  1. Outlaws of Love – Adam Lambert
  2. Try – P!nk
  3. Himlen Falder Helvede Kalder – The Dreams
  4. In Between – Linkin Park
  5. Ringe I Vandet – Rasmus Seebach
  6. Love Sea – Alphabeat
  7. Halo – BeyoncĆ©
  8. Primadonna – Marina and the Diamonds
  9. Wake Up Call – Maroon 5
  10. Na Na Na – One Direction

I tag @stephanine-sims, @purrsephonesims, @nooboos, @thesadnesshotline, @cubersims, @simyzu, @purplesimmer455, @tiptoptab, @shellywellylove and @dust-bubbles! As always; if youā€™ve done it before or donā€™t feel like doing it (this does not apply to the first four that were tagged, they have no choice hihihi) then no worries! ā™”

šŸŒø Movie GIF tagĀ šŸŒø

I was tagged by the lovely @purplesimmer455,Ā @stephanine-sims and @nooboos, thank you so much babs! Iā€™m not the biggest movie watcher and I already know before even starting this that it is gonna be a struggle lmao. Anyway, Iā€™m gonna try my best but please donā€™t judge my most likely horrible taste in movies. Please.

Rules: Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite movies of all time. They donā€™t have to be in any particular order. Tag however many people you like.

Also I tag the following peeps: @cubersims, @sim-bubble, @nemesyms, @soft-almond, @simyzu, @purrsephonesims and @thesadnesshotline. If youā€™ve done it already then no worries! B^)

Now to the movies (under the cut)!



Haiii everyone, just letting you know that Iā€™llĀ ā€œsadlyā€ be going to my parentsā€™ tomorrow and will be gone for like 3 weeks? I donā€™t have a lot of legacy posts prepared so once the current scene is over, my legacy will be on a small break.

I also have a few asks about cc which I sadly canā€™t reply to today (Iā€™m a bit busy, yikes). I can maybe reply to them while Iā€™m gone since I can just look at my cc finds to find some that I have in my game? But I donā€™t knowā€¦ Iā€™ll also have to take a break from fixing my cc but look forward to that once I get back! :^)

Otherwise Iā€™ll probably still be around! Just not as much as normally? Anyway, love you all and hope you have a great time while Iā€™m gone! (ā˜†^ćƒ¼^ā˜†) ā™”

Hiii hello itā€™s been a while and Iā€™m so sorry for not being that active (and really only posting one legacy post because I realised Iā€™d forgotten to draft a specific picture)… Anyway, myĀ ā€˜vacationā€™ at my parentsā€™ is getting closer to its end so Iā€™ll most likely be back in the game some time next week! :^)

Haiii everyone, just letting you know that Iā€™llĀ ā€œsadlyā€ be going to my parentsā€™ tomorrow and will be gone for like 3 weeks? I donā€™t have a lot of legacy posts prepared so once the current scene is over, my legacy will be on a small break.

I also have a few asks about cc which I sadly canā€™t reply to today (Iā€™m a bit busy, yikes). I can maybe reply to them while Iā€™m gone since I can just look at my cc finds to find some that I have in my game? But I donā€™t know… Iā€™ll also have to take a break from fixing my cc but look forward to that once I get back! :^)

Otherwise Iā€™ll probably still be around! Just not as much as normally? Anyway, love you all and hope you have a great time while Iā€™m gone! (ā˜†^ćƒ¼^ā˜†) ā™”

Iā€™m pulling an all-nighter because my sleep schedule is all kinds of fucked up and I think I might be going insane rn what even is this how do people do this itā€™s 6 am and I feel so flippinā€™ weird but I gotta stay awake at least until 10 pm or some shit fml.Ā (āŠ™ļ¹āŠ™āœæ)

Riiip the next scene in my legacy is gonna look a bit off. My usual edited reshade preset was being a brat (something changed randomly idek) so I redownloaded it and tried to make the new one look the same. Spoiler alert: it doesnā€™t look the same at all. I think I fixed my old one, though, so after this scene everything should hopefully be good!Ā āœØšŸ˜ŽāœØ

Also the next scene is gonna be the last one before the twins age up woopwoop.