šŸ‘ļøĀ What I Grew Up Watching TagĀ šŸ‘ļø

I was tagged to do a thing by @stephanine-sims (thank you, my little stroopwafel lmao). I didnā€™t see any rules for it but I guess itā€™s just a way of showing what I watched as a smol mysterious Dane.

Before we start, Iā€™ll tag the following peepios: @nooboos, @dear-solar, @purrsephonesims, @thesadnesshotline, @simserely, @cubersims, @drogonvalley, @sim-bubble, @surreysimmer aaand everyone else in the mood to do this! :^)

Now letā€™s take a look into my childhood!


šŸ„ Top 10 Songs You Jam Out toĀ šŸ„

Alright another song one, woooh! I was tagged by @purplesimmer455, thank you so much love!Ā ā™”

Rules: List ten songs you are currently jamming out to

This may include songs that Iā€™ve linked pretty recently but oh well. Here we gooooooo:

  1. Bloom – Troye Sivan
  2. What a Feeling – One Direction
  3. Love So Soft – Kelly Clarkson
  4. Love Someone – Lukas Graham
  5. Budapest – George Ezra (thanks, sar, this one is your fault)
  6. My My My! – Troye Sivan
  7. High Hopes – Panic! At The Disco
  8. Youngblood – 5 Seconds Of Summer
  9. In My Blood – Shawn Mendes
  10. Foolish Thing – Darren Criss

I donā€™t even know, I still mainly shuffle random songs on Spotify but these kinda stood out to me as songs I donā€™t skip – plus Iā€™ve been obsessed with Troye and P!ATDā€™s newest albums lately lmao.

I tag anyone who feels like sharing some good music! Iā€™m always up for some new suggestions! šŸ˜€Ā 

šŸŒ™ 57 facts about meĀ šŸŒ™

Alright so apparently some crazy person decided that coming up with 57Ā questions would be a good idea? Iā€™m not quite sure why but I suppose Iā€™ll give it a try, ayeeee. Thank you (I think??? lmao), @dear-solar, for tagging me!Ā ā™”

I tag everyone with enough spare time to do this one lmao! Now LETā€™SA GO:

  1. My favourite dog breed used to be huskies (I still love them very much you have no idea) but it just suddenly changed to corgies a few years ago lmao
  2. I started playing the piano when I was like 10 because we had my grandparentsā€™ old electric piano in our dining room
  3. One of my firstĀ ā€œinternet hobbiesā€ was making pixel art in good old Paint with a computer mouse. I would draw clothes and hair on premade human bases and share them on this online forum that no longer existsĀ 
  4. I also had several websites as a kid, mainly w.i.t.c.h and pixel art ones
  5. For a whole season I actually played football (or soccer blergh). The team was proper shit and totally unorganised which is why I stopped
  6. I was introduced to the online forum roleplaying world through an online friend many many years ago. This is where I discovered my passion for writing and Iā€™ve spent so much time either roleplaying or writing my own stories after this (hence the legacy)
  7. One of myĀ manyĀ ā€œā€ā€talentsā€ā€ā€ is eating so much sushi in one sitting that I am 99% sure I will explode, swear to never eat sushi again and then crave sushi like crazy the next day
  8. In general I just really love seafood???? Especially squid oh my god but I havenā€™t had that in years I cri
  9. I also have a huge and never-ending for Filipino food and I am forever grateful that I was lucky enough to grow up with an Asian mum lmao
  10. From the age of 11 or so, Iā€™ve constantly been making friends online. Nevermind that I actually donā€™t speak to a majority of them anymore lmao except for this one girl that Iā€™ve known since 2008 (shout out to that bish even if sheā€™ll never read this lmao, you suck)
  11. My favourite youtuber/streamer is James the bae aka UberHaxorNova. The man has a corgi for crying out loud, how can I not love him???????
  12. I went to my first party at the age of 13 and I had a few bottles of some very colourful cider??? It was wildĀ 
  13. My first ever concert was a Tokio Hotel one in 2010 and I traveled across Denmark and stood in line in -5Ā°C

    for hours just to get somewhat close to the scene

  14. I also held my pee for 14 fucking hours for that concert?? I honestly donā€™t know how my bladder didnā€™t explode
  15. Back in 7th grade I got myself a Bye Bye Kitty hoodie with cat ears (kinda like this one) and I wore it to school so much dflgkjdkflg
  16. My cousin in the Philippines actually talked me out of getting my tongue pierced when I was 14 or 15 lmao bless himĀ 
  17. I remember a time whenĀ ā€œmemesā€ were kinda like tag challenges on DeviantArt? At least those used to be called memes like ten years ago lmao
  18. I have so much love for theatre, especially musicals! Thereā€™s just something about it that really takes my breath away
  19. If I could go back in time, Iā€™d throw 12-year-old me right back into the drama classes I stopped taking (because I was the youngest and didnā€™t know anyone) and probably also force child me to stay in/join a new choir lmao
  20. One of the main reasons I had like zero confidence in myself when I was younger was because some boys in my class laughed at me during a presentation in like 3rd or 4th grade, and it just kinda completely ruined meĀ 
  21. My all time favourite beverage is peach ice tea
  22. I could probably spend hours just sitting outside at night looking at stars
  23. I practically refused to speak English out loud until I started uni
  24. Every fucking year, I struggle to think of birthday andĀ christmas presents for my older brother that arenā€™t just unnecessary game related clutter lmao
  25. I keep trying to implement more colours into my wardrobe but it never works out and I quickly end up going back to black and grey (sorry, sarha)
  26. My favourite colours lately are lilac and not too bright shades of yellow
  27. I currently have three plants in my dorm room and one of them is #struggling after I had to leave it for a month over the summer
  28. I loooove simplistic and minimalistic interior but I also love random knick-knacks
  29. Every time I go to IKEA lately, I have to continuously tell myself not to get the fucking shark plush they have??? It looks so soft and squishy but I really donā€™t need it rip
  30. While I generally prefer black clothes, I do love me some fun and colourful socksĀ 
  31. I used to love having someone to call my BFF but now it just kinda makes me cringeĀ 
  32. Life in general makes me cringe a lot tbhĀ 
  33. I am both really shy and super talkative
  34. When I’m drunk I tend to touch people while talking to them? Like casually grab their arm or the infamous hand-on-chest when talking to men apparently (based on what my friends have told me ldfkgjldkfg)
  35. I procrastinate… Like a lotĀ (why do you think it has taken me ages to finish this tag????)
  36. These days I really only wear silver jewellery but I used to only wear gold and rose gold stuff lmaoĀ 
  37. Iā€™ve always been the one to win stuff all the time out of me and my brothers and they still complain about it to this day (even though itā€™s been a while since I won something actually)
  38. I can listen to most music as long as the melody or the lyrics catch my interest – especially music that makes me feelĀ or create scenarios in my head
  39. My last name is apparently impossibly for Danish people to spell and I automatically just start spelling it instead of saying the name out loud
  40. Iā€™m a blood donor (whenever I remember to go lmao)
  41. Linie 3 (Danish musical comedy trio) are my heroes seriously, no matter how weird people think I am for loving them
  42. I once deleted a shit ton of my art on an old dA account, meaning I completely lost so many drawings that I now wish I still had rip
  43. My PC set-up currently consists of three monitors: left one is used for discord, middle one is used for whatever Iā€™m doing and the right one is used for youtube videos or spotifyĀ 
  44. I own a pretty expensive camera that Iā€™ve used like five times dflkgjdlkg great purchase, past me
  45. I am apparently a very approachable person according to elderly people??? They tend to always come up to me and ask stuff or just casually talk to me blessĀ 
  46. I get super anxious when Iā€™m somewhere crowded and people keep bumping into me – except for at concerts??? For some reason that never bothered me, probably because Iā€™m too busy being excited lmao
  47. The singer from Carpark North (Danish rock band) kept giving me his guitar picks when I was in front row to a concert at my high schoolĀ 
  48. I very rarely lose my temper in real lifeĀ 
  49. When I worked in retail, I was totally the adultsā€™ favourite youth worker because I always showed up early, did as I was told and never just walked around pretending to work while on my phoneĀ 
  50. I didnā€™t get along with my mum at allĀ when I was 15 but now I do and I tell her practically everythingĀ 
  51. My favourite perfume at the moment is Joyful by Escada
  52. I cry a lot
  53. For some reason Iā€™ve always liked being different as in disliking what everyone else loves. For no reason at all I just hatedĀ horses as a kid because all the other girls were obsessed with them lmao
  54. My favourite season is autumn without a doubtĀ 
  55. I can connect a face to very few actors/actressesā€™ names sorry not sorry HollywoodĀ Ā 
  56. Heā€™s never said it out loud but itā€™s totally obvious that Iā€™m my grandpaā€™s favourite grandchild hihihi
  57. Iā€™ll probably never finish PokĆ©mon Ultra Moon oopsie

And with that, I am finally done oh my god. Bless you if you actually read all 57 of them, though because then you’ve officially wasted a part of your life reading 57 completely irrelevant facts about me lmao. Congratulations!Ā šŸŽ‰

šŸ‚ Autumn This or That TagĀ šŸ‚

I was tagged by the sweet @sim-bubble, thank you so much bubs! ā™”

  1. ā€œAutumnā€ or ā€œFall?
  2. Pumpkin Carving or Apple Picking? (Mainly because itā€™s the only one Iā€™ve tried lmao)
  3. Halloween or Thanksgiving? (I donā€™t celebrate either but the Thanksgiving food looks bomb soooo)
  4. Cashmere or Flannel?Ā 
  5. Cool and Crisp or Warm and Foggy?
  6. Yankee Candles or Roaring Fireplace? (I tried but Iā€™m really not much of a scented candle person)
  7. Scarves or Berets?Ā 
  8. Cinnamon or Nutmeg?
  9. Reading a Book or Watching a Movie?
  10. Halloweentown or Nightmare Before Christmas? (So the thing is… I havenā€™t really watched a lot of halloween movies – these two included oopsie)
  11. Hot Chocolate or Apple Cider?Ā 
  12. Wool Socks or Slippers?
  13. Trick or Treat? (Gimme all the treats, please)
  14. Marshmallows or Whipped Cream?
  15. Jack or Sally? (Who or who??????)
  16. Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark? (UhhHHhh what even are these lmao)
  17. Plaid or Neutrals? (I love plaid but ehhhh)
  18. Coffee or Tea?
  19. Studyblr or Halloween Blog?Ā 
  20. Red or Gold?
  21. Blankets or Pillows?
  22. Cabins or Cottages?
  23. Scary or Spoopy?
  24. Sweaters or Boots?
  25. Caramel Apples or Candy Apples? (Never tried these but I like caramel so letā€™s go with that, aye)
  26. Hay Rides or Leaf Peeking? (Is it bad that I have no idea what these are again??? Letā€™s go with the last one, leaves are cool)

This was difficult lmao what even. Anyway, I tag @stephanine-sims, @nooboos, @purrsephonesims, @thesadnesshotline, @simserely, @cubersims, @dear-solar aaandĀ @pearlescentsims. Feel free to not do it of course (sarha, you know the drill)!Ā šŸŽƒ

šŸŽ® Simblr Gameplay Evolution TagĀ šŸŽ®

Okiii I was tagged by @drogonvalley and @purplesimmer455 to do this one! :^)

1. Post two photos. One earlier gameplay photo (at the very latest would three months ago but preferably go even way back), and one of your most recent ones (within the past month).Ā 
2. The only restriction is they must be from the same game (so two TS2 photos, two TS3 photos, or two TS4 photos).
3. State when the photos were taken, and include a link to the post itself if itā€™s still around.
4. Tag 5-10 people once youā€™re done.

The first photo is from January 2017 and the second one is from August 2018 (though it wasĀ ā€˜takenā€™ in June, I think). I guess the main difference in the pics is my editing? My style hasnā€™t really changed too much in the last 1.5 years.

Now to taggiiiing. I tag; @stephanine-sims, @purrsephonesims, @nooboos, @thesadnesshotline, @cubersims, @simserely, @iffysimmer, @sim-bubble, @tiptoptabĀ and @dear-solar! Feel free to not do it if ya donā€™t want to, tho (no this still doesnā€™t count for you, sarha, you haveĀ to do it)! ā™”

šŸŽ¤ Seven Song TagĀ šŸŽ¤

I was tagged by the lovely @iffysimmer to do this (thank you, bab) and I am always more than happy to share whatever music Iā€™m into at the moment. Soooo yeah! :^DĀ 

Rules: List any seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if theyā€™re not any good, but they must be songs youā€™re really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your Tumblr along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what theyā€™re listening to. BTW, you donā€™t have to upload the songs, but you can if you want so others could d/l them to hear.

Alright heeeeere we go:

  1. Piece by Piece – Kelly Clarkson
  2. Hey Look Ma, I Made It – Panic! At The Disco
  3. Just Like You – Louis Tomlinson
  4. FRIENDS – Marshmello & Anne-Marie

  5. In My Blood – Shawn Mendes
  6. Youā€™re Still The One – Shania Twain
  7. This Is Me – The Greatest Showman Cast

And with that,Ā  I shall tag the following peepers; @stephanine-sims, @nooboos, @purrsephonesims, @thesadnesshotline, @simserely, @dear-solar aaand @purplesimmer455!Ā (ā—”ā€æā—” āœæ)

šŸŽµ Fav artists tagĀ šŸŽµ

Aā€™ight so hereā€™s another one (because what even is posting s4 content at this point). I got tagged by @dear-solar to do this one, thank you so much babio! ā™”

Rules: Idk man Iā€™m writing these myself because I didnā€™t see any but I guess post GIFs of your top 10 fav music artists or something lmao. Oh and tag some peeps or something.

Aaaanyway I tag the babs @nooboos, @thesadnesshotline, @purplesimmer455, @dust-bubbles, @sim-bubble, @cubersims,Ā @iffysimmer,Ā  @simserely aaaand @tiptoptab (and honestly anyone else who wants to do it woop woop)! If youā€™ve done it already or donā€™t want to do it (no, sarha, you still have to do it) then no worries! :^DĀ 

Now to some artiststststststs under the cuuuut!


šŸ“ŗ Favorite TV shows tag šŸ“ŗ

I was tagged by @cubersims, thank you so much bab! Sooo I donā€™t really watch a lot of shows either but Iā€™m sure I can think of a few lmao.Ā 

Rules: Post your 5 (or more if you want) favourite TV shows of all time in whatever order you wish to, only in gif format (with or without a title) and tag other people to do the same!

Oh right, I tag @stephanine-sims, @purrsephonesims, @nooboos aaaaandĀ @thesadnesshotline! If anyone else wants to do it then go ahead!Ā ā™”

And now to the TV shows! Keep in mind that I probably havenā€™t fully watched any of these – I usually only casually watch stuff soooo yeah.

šŸŽ¶ Playlist tagĀ šŸŽ¶

Alright so I was tagged by @deadgrsisleĀ (thank yooooou) and I thiiink I found the right rules for this? Either way letā€™s see what Spotify is gonna reveal about me today lmao.Ā 

RULES: Weā€™re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire library on shuffle and report the first 10 songs that pop up – then choose 10 people!

  1. Outlaws of Love – Adam Lambert
  2. Try – P!nk
  3. Himlen Falder Helvede Kalder – The Dreams
  4. In Between – Linkin Park
  5. Ringe I Vandet – Rasmus Seebach
  6. Love Sea – Alphabeat
  7. Halo – BeyoncĆ©
  8. Primadonna – Marina and the Diamonds
  9. Wake Up Call – Maroon 5
  10. Na Na Na – One Direction

I tag @stephanine-sims, @purrsephonesims, @nooboos, @thesadnesshotline, @cubersims, @simyzu, @purplesimmer455, @tiptoptab, @shellywellylove and @dust-bubbles! As always; if youā€™ve done it before or donā€™t feel like doing it (this does not apply to the first four that were tagged, they have no choice hihihi) then no worries! ā™”

šŸŒø Movie GIF tagĀ šŸŒø

I was tagged by the lovely @purplesimmer455,Ā @stephanine-sims and @nooboos, thank you so much babs! Iā€™m not the biggest movie watcher and I already know before even starting this that it is gonna be a struggle lmao. Anyway, Iā€™m gonna try my best but please donā€™t judge my most likely horrible taste in movies. Please.

Rules: Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite movies of all time. They donā€™t have to be in any particular order. Tag however many people you like.

Also I tag the following peeps: @cubersims, @sim-bubble, @nemesyms, @soft-almond, @simyzu, @purrsephonesims and @thesadnesshotline. If youā€™ve done it already then no worries! B^)

Now to the movies (under the cut)!
